To view your expected payment and to see how it is calculated, go to myLab > Reports > Online - Sales - Detailed... 

If you are running numbers for a month, enter the start date of that month and and end date of a day after the period ends. 

Example: Start June 1, 2017 and end July 1, 2017. This does not count July 1st, but will include the full day of June 30. 


Here is the formula: 

REVENUE = Product Order Subtotal + Service Fee + Rush Fee - Discounts + Shipping - Tax + Value of Product Credits + 100% off Orders - Prepaid Plan Purchase 

BILLED AMT = Revenue * X% (X is your agreed percentage)


  • We do add back in 100% off orders. If you need an order removed from your calculation because it was a test order, please email support for a credit instead of creating a 100% off coupon. 
  • We do charge commission on shipping because some dealers build shipping into product prices, and some offer very low product prices and high shipping, and this way it does not matter and you are free to structure your shipping as makes sense for your users. 
  • We do add back in the value of product credits used in an order (product credits are added to a consumer's account via myLab).
  • We remove discounts from the revenue share... ex: 20% off cards, buy one get one half off... This is hopefully encouragement to offer your consumers some good deals! 
  • We do not charge commission on the prepaid plan purchases because we charge for the product ordered when those are redeemed. Hint: Many prepaid plans are never redeemed–you should definitely offer these! 

Our accounting software uses the same report data that the Online Sales Report does... if you think you have been charged incorrectly, please send us your invoice and report (if you have run one) and we will double-check and explain what we find. In the past, the billed number and reported number often seems to be different due to one of these three reasons:

  1. The end date of the report is the last day of the desired report period rather than the following day. 
  2. 100% off orders were not accounted for.
  3. If you pay a monthly fee in addition to the revenue share amount, do not forget to add that.

Refund Policy

If you have refunded an order and would like to remove it (full or partial amount) from the total used to calculate revenue share, please email our support team directly: Cancelling the order in myLab or Lab 50 does not automatically remove the order from the rev share calculation. When you email support with your request, you must include the following information: 

  • Order number
  • Date of transaction
  • Amount to refund
  • Reason for refund




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