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Comment: Removed outdated example script for string customization.


Change a text string on a page

This example is intended for the FooterExtra-mobile PagePart and shows the "Service charge" text in the Order Summary panel being changed to "$5 Minimum Order". 


This example has been removed. The platform now has a built-in method (introduced in v17.1) for customizing text strings for a Dealer site, so the JavaScript workaround is no longer needed or recommended.

Code Block
<script type="text/javascript"> var swapTextCount = 0; function swapPageText(htmlSelector, originalText, newText) { var foundIt = false; swapTextCount++; if ( htmlSelector.length > 0 && originalText.length > 0 ) { $(htmlSelector).each(function() { try { var htmlString = $( this ).html(); if ( htmlString.includes( originalText ) ) { foundIt = true; var newHtmlString = htmlString.replace( originalText, newText ); $( this ).html( newHtmlString ); } } finally { } }); if ((!foundIt) && (swapTextCount < 20)) { setTimeout( swapPageText, 150, htmlSelector, originalText, newText ); } } } $(document).on("$pf-url-visited", function (event, url) { if ((url == "/cart") || (url == "/checkout/promotions") || (url == "/checkout/submit")) { swapTextCount = 0; setTimeout( swapPageText, 100, "span", "Service charge", "$5 Minimum Order" ); } }); </script>