A collection of useful scripts for use on PFE / PFM / PFSR sites.

Load & Call a 3rd-Party Script

This example shows a 3rd-party script being loaded, and then the code waiting for the external script and the orderSummary object to exist before being invoked.  This example would be appropriate on the ConfirmationExtra-mobile PagePart.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//www.some-shopping-cart-tracker.com/script.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
 ( function _trackerScript() {
        if (typeof (MyTracker) == "undefined") || (typeof(PF.orderSummary.total) == "undefined") {
            setTimeout(function () { _trackerScript(); }, 500);
        } else {
            MyTracker.TrackOrder(PF.orderSummary.confirmation, PF.orderSummary.total);

Change a text string on a page

This example has been removed. The platform now has a built-in method (introduced in v17.1) for customizing text strings for a Dealer site, so the JavaScript workaround is no longer needed or recommended.

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