NOTE: This documentation relates to an earlier version of the APM / Lab 50 software.

Visit the current documentation home.

In order for EQ Gifting products to be processed promptly, store information must be complete on each kiosk. This information is configured via the Setup Wizard. If information is incompete, orders may not be processed due to incorrect or insufficent contact information in the order.

1. Access the APM Setup Wizard using the admin screens of the APM software or by manually launching the application within c:\APM.
2. Click on Kiosk Settings on the bottom, left panel, then click on Location Settings on the top, left panel. The right-panel will display your store information as it is currently configured. In order for gifts to be processed correctly, ALL information must be complete.

3. Additionally, regardless of your shipping settings, all customer information must be completed to ensure the order is processed. You will need to enable the option to prompt for customer information as well as mark the fields as required.