The payment methods/gateway you have set up on your Photo Finale site are automatically used in your app, with the exception of Paypal (see note below).

The app does not require a customer to enter their full billing address (only name, phone & email are required), so without a zip code and street address number the AVS (address verification) will always fail and customers will not be able to submit paid orders from the app.  To avoid this, you need to adjust the configuration of your payment gateway account as shown below:


  • Disable AVS rejection in the "Address Verification Service (AVS) Settings" page on your Authorize.NET dashboard, by unchecking all of the checkboxes:



  • SagePay does not allow AVS failures to proceed. For this payment processor, the app requires the full billing details so that the charge can go through. Please contact support and our team will help you configure your app to require full billing details from the customer.


  • Paypal is not supported by the app.  If you use Paypal as your only payment processor on your Photo Finale site, please consider adding Stripe as a 2nd provider -- they offer similar quick setup and fee structure.

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