1. In Lab 50, go to Store Management > Product Catalog.
  2. Click on "+ New" in the toolbar.
  3. Select "Merchandise and Services" from the list of types.
  4. Enter the product's name, description (optional) and price. 
  5. Enter a product ID: use a number in the 9xxx range to ensure it's not being used by another product
  6. Enter the rest of the product details (UPC, price tiers , etc).
  7. Hit "Edit the preview photo" in the sidebar and upload the product icon (recommended 320x320 min, 512x512 max).
  8. Hit "Save changes" in the sidebar to save and create the product.
  9. Right click on a category in your product catalog and select "Add Products...". When the Browse for Product dialog appears, navigate to All Products > Merchandise and select the new product(s) you created.
  10. Wait 20 minutes and then test on your site. This is how long it generally takes the cache to clear and the site data to refresh.