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On Kiosk

You can customize the receipt that the kiosk prints, but changes are limited. The receipt file is here on the kiosk: C:\PF Kiosk\PrintServer\apmconfig_receipt.xml

On Print 50

  • The invoice format is html, so is more flexible for changes. The invoice file is here on the Print 50 computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Photo Finale Print 50\Resources\en-US\Invoice\Invoice.htm
  • Print 50 is also capable of printing a kiosk-style receipt using the print server (there is an option to print a receipt when print server processes an order).  That file is found here on the Print 50 computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Photo Finale Print 50\Tools\PrintServer\apmconfig_receipt.xml

Invoice Editing

HTML tables are used, and you can edit as needed, including the use of macros: 




Company Logo


The lab's logo (set in Lab 50 logo section)

Company Name


The name of the lab, as specified in Lab 50

Company Street


The street address of the lab

Company City


City where lab is located

Company State


State where lab is located

Company Zip


ZIP code of lab

Company Phone


Phone number of lab

Company Email


Lab's email

Order Number


Order number

Order Date


Date order was placed

Order Summary


Summary of the order

Order Details


Details of the order

Order Subtotal



Order Service Fee


Service fee

Order Shipping Total


Shipping total

Order Tax Total


Total tax added to order

Order Discount Total


Total discount added to order

Order Total


Total amount for order

Order Prints Total


Total number of prints

Order Prints Unique


Order Prints Unique

Order Source


Source of the order

Order Gift Text


Text on gifting items

Order Subtotal After Discount


Subtotal of order after discount

Bill To Header


Header on the bill

Bill To First Name


First name on bill

Bill To Last Name


Last name on bill

Bill To Street


Street name on bill

Bill To City


City on the bill

Bill To State


State on bill

Bill To Zip


Zip code on bill

Bill To Phone


Phone number on bill

Bill To Email


Email on bill

Ship To Header


Where to ship (if pickup, this will be the store name)

Ship To First Name


First name of person to ship to

Ship To Last Name


Last name of person to ship to

Ship To Street


Street name of where to ship

Ship To City


City to ship to

Ship To State


State to ship to

Ship To Zip


Zip to send to

Ship To Phone


Phone number to send to

Ship to Email


Email to ship to

Shipping Method


How item is shipped

Payment Type


Type of payment

Payment Account


Payment account

Payment Account Secure


Payment account secure

Payment Expiration


Payment expiration

Payment Ccv


Payment CCV

Special Instructions


Special instructions

Detail Description


Description of detail

Detail Photos


Detail of photos

Detail Quantity


Quantity of order

Detail Total


Total detail

Summary Description


Summary description

Summary Quantity


Summary quantity

Summary Total


Summary total

APM Store Info


Store information

APM Store ID


Store ID

APM Store Name


Name of the store with kiosk

APM Store Street


Street of store

APM Store City


City of store

APM Store State


State of store

APM Store Zip


ZIP code of store

APM Store Country


Country where kiosk is

APM Store Phone


Phone number of store

APM Store Contact Name


Contact name at store

APM Store contact Email


Email to contact store

APM Fulfillment Type


Type of fulfillment used on kiosk

  • No labels