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A note about emails you will get from Apple

You will get emails from Apple from time to time, some of which you can ignore and some of which you need to act on.  As you are the agent, there is no way to prevent you from getting the should-be-ignored emails.

Need to act on:

  • Initial transfer (if you already have an app you will have to approve its transfer from the PF developer account to your account)
  • Membership expiring / renewal  (annually)
  • New agreement needs signing   (whenever Apple updates terms of service)

Should ignore:

  • App Store Connect: Your App (XX) has one or more issues
  • iOS Distribution Certificate Expires in X Days
  • iOS Provisioning Profile Expires in X Days


  1. Re: step 2b... if you do not have an Apple device upon which to authenticate your account, you will need one. There are rumors of ways around this involved calling Apple, but to-date, it's not easy to get around it. 
  2. The Apple program is $99/year, which you pay to Apple and need to keep updated. 
  3. The app uses your Photo Finale site settings–so all products, pricing, shipping, promos that you have online, will be offered in the site. The exception currently is Rush service, which is not in the app yet. 
  4. We do not have "app only" promos or pricing, though that will be coming.
  5. Make sure your Welcome email (set in Lab 50), makes sense for your website as well as your app.
