Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Common questions about setting up and maintaining a PF Enterprise site.

Table of Contents


Umbraco & FTP Access

Umbraco: http
FTP:  (Secure FTP)

Your credentials for both will be provided by your account manager.


Content Cache

Changes to content made within Umbraco or to files in your FTP directory can take some time to show up on the site due to caching.


Wiki Markup
|| Type || Cache Duration ||
| Changes to Umbraco Content | Up to 


30 Minutes |
| Changes to FTP Content | Up to 


10 Minutes |

To facilitate development, you can point your browser to our sandbox server, which only caches Umbraco content for 1 minute


. This makes rapid-fire change-and-test cycles much easier.

You can hit the sandbox version of your site at any time by using the address: https://*yoursitename*


CSS Styling

We strongly recommend that you provide an appropriate css namespace scope for your styles to ensure they do not conflict with the default Photo Finale styling.



/* Photo Finale Overrides */

#pageWrapper {
      background: none;
      box-shadow: none;
      max-width: 100%;

#header.pageLayout {
      background: none;
      height: 78px;
      border: none;

#content.fullpage {
      top: 78px;

#footer {
      background: none;


Reserved Page Names

The following names are reserved by Lucidiom and should not be used as page or folder names within Umbraco. This list may change from time to time.

  • account
  • addphotos
  • ccvinfo
  • changepassword
  • checkout
  • confirmation
  • create
  • default
  • feedback
  • forgotpassword
  • get
  • getstarted
  • gift
  • gifts
  • guest
  • help
  • home
  • link
  • members
  • membershipinfo
  • migrateuser
  • mobile
  • mycart
  • mycollections
  • myfeeds
  • myorders
  • myphotos
  • orderhistory
  • optout
  • photo
  • photos
  • photofeed
  • prepaidplans
  • pricelist
  • print
  • prints
  • projects
  • share
  • shop
  • signin
  • signout
  • signup
  • signupcomplete
  • startsharing
  • stores
  • terms
  • trackmyorder
  • trackorder
  • transferconten
  • unsubscribe
  • upgrade
  • user


JavaScript Libraries

Photo Finale includes a number of JS libraries. Umbraco content that includes these same libraries (or different versions of them) will likely cause conflicts and should be avoided.

  • json2.js
  • jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js
  • jquery.blockui.js
  • jquery.linq.js

The versions included are updated regularly. We'll endeavor to keep this page up-to-date, but you can always verify by simply doing a View Source on one of your pages in PF Enterprise.

Customer Sign-In

There are several methods available to hook up a "Sign In" link to


 Please use the View Source feature in your browser to check which librararies/versions are being included.





JavaScript Client Objects



PF.showError( message );
PF.blockPage( );
PF.unblockPage( );
PF.blockUI( selector );
PF.unblockUI( selector ); );
PF.silverlight.hide( );

jQueryUI Usage

If you plan to use jQueryUI in your Umbraco content, please note that we provide a base set of jQueryUI styles. You should plan to provide overrides for all of our default stylings. Contact us for additional details. 


  • Typekit: If you use Typekit for the fonts and you can see the site make the font switch from a default to your special font, you are experiencing "FOUT" = flash of unstyled text. You can add code to the stylesheet not to load the page until the font is loaded. More info:
  • Put a ‘My Projects’ button in even for anonymous users. They're cookie based.  Tied to the user's browser. Just  For anonymous users, they are stored via cookies, just like the anonymous user's shopping cart. 
  • Use relative links. Relative links are best. If you need it to a link to a secure page like ‘checkout’ then add the class=”secure” attribute to the anchor element.  (or sign in)
  • Linking to products/groups. Use short links like shop/photo-books instead of the direct links generated from Lab 50 For the best SEO and future-proofing, always use links to products and categories as shown in the Web Links page of myLab.
  • Newsletter signup.  html can’t have a <form> within a <form>. The site is already wrapped in a <form> so any others get tossed out. The submit would need to be scripted or pop something up.