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Advanced Tables - Table Plus

General tab
Adding/Editing a ColorFlow Workflow

Outbound tab
Configuring Output Settings and Locations for Photos

Image Removed

Inbound tab
Configuring Lab 50 Monitoring for Completed Photos

Image Removed

Products tab
Specifying Products assigned to a Workflow

Image Removed

Sources tab
Configuring Order Types within a Workflow

Image Removed

Orders Queued for ColorFlow Processing

Image Removed

Lab 50 Monitoring for Photo Editing Completion

Image Removed

Order Editing Completed and Next Order Queued

  • General tab Settings:
    • Name: A name for your new Workflow. This field is required. Lucidiom Support recommends a brief description of products included and/or sizing information. Example: Standard prints, up to 8x10
    • Description: A description of the Workflow. This may be used internally to add additional identifying information such as where the photos will be stored or what type of processing will be done.
    • Enable this Workflow: The check box enables the use of the Workflow for the selected settings. To disable a Workflow, un-check the box.
  • Outbound tab Settings:
    The Outbound tab specifies the format for Lab 50 to use when exporting images for processing through ColorFlow.

    • Require operator interaction: If this option is checked, orders will not be sent through for ColorFlow processing until a lab operator manually clicks the SEND button. Please see the screenshot to the right captioned "Orders Queued for ColorFlow Processing" as an example of the on-screen notification.
    • Copy photos to folder: If this option is checked, you'll need to enter the folder path to use for saving a copy of the order photos. You may use a local folder, mapped network drive, or network path as long as the user account has read/write access to the necessary folder. If the location for storage is on a networked computer, Lucidiom Support recommends using the UNC path to access the location to minimize connection issues. Example: \\labserver\StandardPrints\
      • Create order subfolders: To create individual order folders within your destination folder, check this box.
      • Override order folder suffix: To change the order folder suffix, check this box and enter the preferred suffix.
      • Mask order folder (with .tmp) until complete: Enabling this option will temporarily rename the order folder to xxxxxxx.order.tmp, where xxxxxxx is the order number, until all processing through ColorFlow is complete.
    • Create job file : To send a file containing the order number and a list of all photos included in the order, check this box.
      • File format: The job file may be formatted as XML or plain Text. Select the radio button that corresponds with your preferred formatting.
      • File location: The job file may be output to the standard Photos folder within your Lab 50 configuration, or to another folder by selecting Other and entering a location. Lucidiom Support recommends that if you are including a job file that it is output to the same location as your photos folder specified under the "Copy photos to folder" location.
      • Filename: The name to use for the job file. Macros that may be entered and substituted at runtime include %ORDER% to use the order number or %TIMESTAMP% to include the date and time.

Advanced Tables - Table Plus

Image Added

Inbound tab
Configuring Lab 50 Monitoring for Completed Photos

Image Added

Products tab
Specifying Products assigned to a Workflow

Image Added

Sources tab
Configuring Order Types within a Workflow

Image Added

Orders Queued for ColorFlow Processing

Image Added

Lab 50 Monitoring for Photo Editing Completion

Image Added

Order Editing Completed and Next Order Queued

  • Inbound tab Settings:
    The Inbound tab configures Lab 50 to find completed, ColorFlow-edited photos.

    • Completion Mechanism:
      • Require operator interaction: If this option is checked, orders will not be sent back to Lab 50 after processing until a lab operator manually clicks the DONE button.
      • Monitor output folder for completion: Enabling folder monitoring will cause Lab 50 to check the photo file count of the output folder specified under the Outbound tab against against the photo file count of the input folder specified in the next section of settings.
      • *Completion file :*If this option is enabled, Lab 50 will monitor the folder containing photos for editing and mark ColorFlow processing as complete once the folder contains a file that matches the entered name.
      • Order folder name change: If this option is enabled, Lab 50 will monitor the folder containing photos for editing and mark ColorFlow processing as complete once the folder name is changed to match the entered name.
    • Photo output folder:
      • Original photos folder:
      • New folder:
    • Pause after completion:
      • Seconds:
