Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

There are many factors going into getting the text from the screen to translate exactly to the jpg for printing. The font, size, attributes, browser, spacing, trailing spaces, line breaks, text box sizing...  and more. We are always looking for new examples so we can keep fine-tuning the code and put out new versions of Lab 50, Print 50 and the built-in component that controls the rendering, FolioServer.

To give you an idea of the kinds of tweaks we make, here are the text handling fixes we have made we made in Lab 50 releases 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 (Nov 2017)...

  • Shrink font size down for single-line text when the text is longer than the available text box by less then 15%.
  • Fix for more severe single-line text issues, when the designated box is insufficient by more than 15%, by applying our own word-wrapping.
  • Adjustment to ignore preceding and trailing empty lines in the line-breaking data captured by the browser if they do not also exist in the text element itself.
  • Fixes for rendering text in The Great Escape and Player fonts.
  • Fixes for rendering of Adobe Garamond when italicized.
  • Fixes issue occasionally cutting off the last character or two on the end of the longest line in a block of text.
  • Adds the ability to apply our own word-wrapping algorithm when custom line-spacing is requested but no word-wrapping data was captured in the browser when the project was created.
  • Adds a fail-safe fallback mechanism when the browser-supplied word-wrapping data appears invalid and would result in cut-off text.
  • And some smaller things that would make your brain hurt to try to understand. 


SO, when you get a card with a text issue, such as: 

Image Added


What can you do? 
  1. Update Lab 50. Make sure you have the newest Lab 50 / Print 50 version installed. If not, it is possible that a fix for your text issue has been made. You can simply install the new version, then try to reprint the order or render the order in myLab (search for order, find product, click the "Render" link next to it), which also has the latest FolioServer fixes. If you have the most up-to-date Lab 50, or the reprint has the same issue, continue to the next step.
  2. Report it! Please send us the order number ( so our development team can figure out what went wrong and work on a fix for that specific problem. If you happen to know which browser was used, please include that as well. 
  3. Fix it. 
    1. Look up the order in myLab.
    2. Click on the "Builder" link next to the affected project.
    3. Save the Project ID that's shown.
    4. Make changes to fix the text. TIPS: 
      1. Even if the specific text spot you are trying to fix looks okay in the browser, you should still make an edit (e.g. add a character and then delete the character) to cause it to refresh.
      2. You can adjust text box slightly, size font down by 1, remove any extra spaces around the text or at the end of lines
    5. Save the project.
    6. Go to the Render Orders page on myLab and paste in the Project ID.
    7. Render the updated project and download as JPEG or PDF.