The children of this page contain information which is included in other pages. This is a library of re-usable images for various parts.
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•Changing page names is problematic — you will need to change all the include and excerpt-include macros manually.
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  File Modified
JPEG File 3700_backpanel.jpg APM 3700 - Thumbscrews securing the back panel Nov 22, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_BezelRemoved.png APM 3700 - Kiosk front bezel removed from unit Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_CDDVD_Receipt.png APM 3700 - CD and DVD component tray removed from kiosk unit Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_ComponentsRemoved.png APM 3700 - Kiosk with front bezel and internal components removed from unit Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_ControllerBoard.png APM 3700 - Molex cables to remove from controller board Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_DisconnectReader.png APM 3700 - Disconnecting Media Card Reader Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_HardDrive_Chassis.png APM 3700 - Hard Drive Chassis Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_HardDrive_Hooks.png APM 3700 - Hooks securing Hard Drive Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_HardDrive_OutsideChassis.png APM 3700 - Hard Drive outside Chassis Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_HardDriveSecured.png APM 3700 - Hooks securing Hard Drive Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_Keys.png APM 3700 - keys to unlock unit panels Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_OuterScrews.png APM 3700 - Screws securing Media Card Reader to Chassis Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_printhead.png APM 3700 - Print head unit Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_ReaderRemoved.png APM 3700 - Disconnecting cables from removed card reader Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_ReceiptCircuit.png APM 3700 - Receipt Circuit Board Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_RemoveBezel.png APM 3700 - Location of Bezel Clips for front panel Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_RemovingReader.png APM 3700 - Removing Media Card Reader Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_Ribbon_Replacement.png APM 3700 - Receipt Printer Ribbon Replacement Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_RollerAssembly.png APM 3700 - Receipt Printer Roller Assembly Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_Screwdrivers.png Tools - Screwdrivers for replacing parts Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700_Screws_release.png APM 3700 - Screws to secure thermal print head Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
PNG File 3700.png APM 3700 - Kiosk Front Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File APM3700_backpanel.jpg APM 3700 - Kiosk back panel Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File APM3700_moduleSlots.jpg APM 3700 - RAM module slots Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File APM3700_notchDivider.jpg APM 3700 - Notch divider in RAM module slots Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File APM3700_RAM.jpg APM 3700 - Notch divider in RAM Nov 19, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File disconnectedCables.jpg APM 3700 - Removing molex connectors for power supply Nov 22, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File powerSupplyConnect.jpg APM 3700 - Power Supply connectors on motherboard Nov 22, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File powerSupplySecuretoChassis.jpg APM 3700 - Screws Securing Power Supply to Chassis Nov 22, 2010 by Diane Robles
JPEG File removePowerSupply.jpg APM 3700 - Removing power supply unit from chassis Nov 22, 2010 by Diane Robles
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